Most exciting feature in this release – Scan to Mesh Now let’s have a look at the latest and greatest capabilities available in this tool. Today, reality capture gets even better! The Autodesk Reality Solutions team is more than excited to announce their newest release of ReCap Pro 2022. You can also get survey-grade accuracy using photo reconstruction.Our AEC customers are continuously looking to digitalize their projects and efficiently capture real-world conditions in the best way possible. Based on your feedback and suggestions, we’ve delivered ongoing improvements to Autodesk® ReCap™ Pro software, enhancing your reality capture workflows. You and your teams can rely on ReCap Pro to capture data and generate a more accurate 3D representation of existing conditions, helping you better understand your design challenges and increase efficiency throughout your project lifecycle. High-precision GPS technology is used to avoid costly preparation work when setting ground control points. The compass widget can be used to set the XY coordinates for the user coordinate systems in the overhead view. Compare the scan view (RealView), and overhead map view side by side. To quickly import reality data into Autodesk design tools and construction tools, use solutions created with ReCap Pro Software Development Kit. It supports the creation point clouds, meshes and ortho photos. ReCap Photo, which is a part of ReCap Pro, processes drone photos to create 3D representations current site conditions, objects and more. Collaboration across teams through design that is based on reality.

Support BIM processes by delivering a point cloud and mesh. ReCap™, Pro 3D scanning software can be used to create 3D models using imported photos and laser scans.

Software that connects the physical world and the digital.